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Dental Cleaning: Does it help with bad breath & other dental problems?

Dentist cleaning

Teeth cleaning procedures are no longer considered a luxury but rather a routine maintenance step that helps you keep your teeth and gums healthy. No matter how well you brush or floss your teeth, it is inevitable and completely normal to have plaque or tartar buildup in some amount in your mouth.

Scaling and planing are two of the most common professional dental cleaning procedures which your dentist might recommend if you want to get your teeth cleaned.

There are a plethora of benefits to getting your teeth professionally cleaned. Read this article to know more about whether professional dental cleaning actually works and how it helps to get rid of bad breath.

Does Dental Cleaning Help Prevent Bad Breath?

Bad breath is a common dental woe that many of us deal with. Did you know that dental cleaning can fix your case of bad breath? A bad breath is caused typically by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Through dental cleaning procedures, with the help of tools like scrappers and power washers, your dentist will get rid of the sticky film of bacteria, food particles, etc which is known as plaque. Hence, people who suffer from halitosis, i.e., bad breath, must routinely get their teeth professionally cleaned up.

Here are some other benefits of getting professional teeth cleaning:

1. Prevents cavities

Plaque and tartar buildup can lead to cavities and tooth decay. With the help of dentist cleaning, you can prevent tooth cavities and tooth loss.

2. Brighten your smile

A dentist teeth cleaning helps to get rid of the stains caused by coffee, tea, wine and other teeth-staining food items like curries, berries, turmeric, etc.

3. Boost your overall health

It’s no secret that your oral health and overall health are linked. Hence, you can boost your overall health by going for routine dental cleaning at least twice a year.

4. Save money in the long run

By going for professional teeth cleaning every 6 months, you will be able to avoid many dental woes which would have otherwise cost you a lot of money.

How is professional dental cleaning done?

Wondering what dental cleaning entails? Here are some of the steps that are carried out by your dentist when you visit him or her for professional teeth cleaning.

1. Oral evaluation

Your dentist will first do a thorough examination of your teeth and gums and check for tooth decay, cavities and other dental concerns that might need immediate attention. After this, he or she will decide how to proceed with your dental cleaning.

2. Scaling

Next, your dentist will use a dental scaler and remove all the plaque and tartar buildup in your mouth.

3. Deep cleaning

After the tartar is removed, your dentist will now use a powerful electric toothbrush and a special prophylaxis toothpaste which is grainy and helps to thoroughly scrub and polish your pearly whites.

4. Professional flossing

In this step, your dentist will remove the residual toothpaste and tartar from your mouth and deep clean your mouth.

5. Rinsing

Once your dentist has carried out the flossing step, he or she will either give you a mouth rinse that contains liquid fluoride or simply spray water in your mouth to ensure that all the residue tartar has escaped your mouth.

6. Fluoride treatment

Finally, your dentist might apply a fluoride gel or foam on your teeth surface and keep it for a minute before asking you to rinse your mouth with water. This step will take less than 5 minutes but it is highly effective in preventing future cavities. Make sure that you don’t eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after your fluoride treatment for the best result.

Step up your oral care with makeO toothsi

The final verdict is that professional teeth cleaning is encouraged by experts for patients who want to level up their oral care game.

Do you get your routine dental check-ups and clean-up done but want to be proactive when it comes to taking care of your pearly whites? That is where having a personalised oral care regime comes into the picture. Good oral care hygiene will protect your oral health like nothing else.

So, what are you waiting for? Browse through our website and add to your cart our innovative and premium-quality dental care products like teeth whitening kits, retainers, chewies, electric brushes and smart flossers which will transform your oral health like never before!


Is dental cleaning healthy for your teeth?

Yes, professional dental cleaning is completely safe and it helps you to get rid of the plaque and tartar buildup which can cause several dental woes if left unaddressed. However, you must not overdo it as that can lead to premature wearing of your teeth.

How long do professional dental cleanings take?

Typically, dental cleaning takes about 30 minutes to about an hour depending on the severity of your teeth condition.

Which food items you must avoid eating after a dental cleanup?

Dentists recommend people avoid indulging in food items that stain or discolour the teeth for at least a couple of hours after returning from the dental cleanup appointment. This means you must avoid food items like wine, tea, coffee, berries, beetroot, tomato sauce, etc.

Can you smoke immediately after you get your dental clean up done?

No, you must avoid smoking for at least 6 hours after you get your teeth professionally cleaned to ensure that the results of the procedure last longer and your teeth don’t get stained.

How often should you get your teeth cleaned at your dentist’s?

Generally, getting your teeth cleaned twice a year is sufficient. However, if you smoke, are pregnant, diabetic or take certain medications, it is best to consult your dentist and ask him or her how often you must get dentist cleaning done.

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