
invisible braces : cost, treatment and effectiveness

Are invisible braces effective

If you would get a chance to choose between metal braces or invisible braces for your smile makeover journey, what would you choose? Well, like most people today, you are probably going to go with invisible braces! If that's right, you've landed exactly where you should have.

While invisible braces have gained popularity, a few people still struggle with doubts about the cost of braces in India, their effectiveness, or the treatment process. If you are one of them, read on to know about a seamless, interesting and affordable smile makeover journey!

Are Invisible Braces Effective?

Are you dubious about the effectiveness of invisible braces? If yes, you need not be! All you need to do is wear them regularly for at least 22 hours a day and watch your teeth move to their ideal position eventually. In a few cases, invisible braces might even speed up the teeth straightening process and take less time than metal braces to align your teeth perfectly. Invisible braces are suitable for adults as well as teenagers and give equally effective results.

These braces are a great option for adults who are hesitant about getting their teeth straightening treatment done at a certain age, as they might feel conscious of the metal braces amongst their colleagues or friends.

Therefore, all in all, invisible braces are a great and effective teeth straightening option for adults and teenagers. So, if you want to get the best invisible braces cost in India, explore makeO toothsi’s smile makeover plans – makeO toothsi easy and makeO toothsi prime.

How Do Invisible Braces Straighten Your Teeth?

Ever wondered how invisible aligners straighten your teeth? Clear aligners put pressure on your teeth and they gradually shift your teeth into their ideal location. Will this hurt? There is no denying that you will feel a slight discomfort at the beginning of your treatment until you get the hang of wearing teeth aligners.

You might feel tenderness or slight pressure every time you remove your clear aligners or put them back or change your set of clear aligner trays every one or two weeks. However, this is not something to fret over and you will soon adjust to performing your daily chores while wearing your clear aligners.

makeO toothsi’s Technically Advanced Teeth Straightening Process

We, at makeO toothsi, follow a technically advanced teeth straightening process, making your journey planned and predictable. It starts with capturing a 3D scan of your teeth, which is done at your home by our professionals. Thereafter, according to the captured image, we prepare a customised smile makeOver plan for you, and once you approve it, we make your braces with digital printers, which give precise and consistent moulds. These are made of BPA-free plastic, meaning they are non-carcinogenic.

Once we are sure that we have the perfect set of customised invisible braces for you, we finally deliver them to your home, knowing you are all set to begin your smile makeover journey! If you face any problem or need any sort of assistance throughout the process, remember, our orthodontists are just a video consultation away.

Invisible Braces Cost

Well, we understand that sometimes it gets overwhelming to fit in additional expenses in your monthly budget, but guess what you'll get in return? Your desired smile! So, it's gonna be worth it! To help you fit the invisible braces cost into your budget easily, we offer easy payment options such as EMI, which starts at just Rs 3,019 per month for makeO toothsi's simple makeover plan.

makeO toothsi Services & Products

We offer different plans according to different misalignment problems at economical price points to make your journey effective, affordable and seamless. Additionally, we have a network of 100+ in-house experienced orthodontists and partner clinics in 11 cities to assist you throughout your smile makeover journey.

The convenience of at-home teeth straightening and easy-payment options make us one of the preferred at-home teeth straightening service providers. We have a satisfied clientele of 6000+ customers who have found the teeth straightening journey convenient and seamless and got excellent results.

Looking for a place to shop for new-age dental care products that will help you achieve healthy gums and teeth? Check out makeO toothsi’s website and shop for high-quality electric toothbrushes, retainers, aligner cleaning foams and teeth whitening kits today.

If you are still weighing the benefits of teeth straightening and clear aligners, then book a free scan with us and get in touch with our professionals to seek assistance.


1. Are invisible aligners expensive?

No, invisible aligners are not expensive. They are worth the money you invest in as they allow you to straighten your teeth without having to keep your social life at a standstill as they are invisible and hassle- free.

2. Are invisible braces effective?

Wondering whether invisible braces are effective? The answer is simple. Yes, invisible aligners are effective in fixing your orthodontic problems and giving you straight teeth.

3. Who can wear clear aligners?

Anyone between the age group 13 years to maximum of 55 years who wants to fix their orthodontic issues can consider opting for clear aligners.

4. Are clear aligners better than braces?

Many people are today opting for clear aligners over traditional metal braces as they are convenient and fuss-free. Clear aligners help you to straighten your teeth without causing you too much pain or ruining your smile.

5. Are aligners painful?

Wearing aligners initially might cause mild discomfort as you need to get used to wearing them and exercising your mouth. However, after a week or two you will become a pro at wearing your clear aligners and going about with your daily life.

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