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White Spots on Your Teeth: 4 Things to Know

white spot on teeth causes

Many teeth whitening products are available to make dark regions of your teeth whiter. But what about the overly light patches on your teeth?

The white spots on the teeth, sometimes called white spot lesions, are regions where the surface enamel has been decalcified. This frequently occurs as a result of poor oral hygiene practices or early-life malnutrition, which further results in weakened tooth enamel that is more vulnerable to plaque and bacterial decay.

The appropriate lifestyle modifications and treatments can help you avoid developing further white spot lesions, which are typically neither uncomfortable nor hazardous. Here are some of the things that you must know about the white spots on teeth. Keep scrolling through to know the in-depth details:

Causes and remedy of white spots on teeth

1. Consuming too much sugar

Soft drinks with plenty of sugar or food-based beverages make up more than 50% of the beverages consumed in the developed world. And that's an issue for your dental health since too much sugar reacts with oral bacteria to produce acid that eats your enamel, weakening it and increasing your risk of white spots on teeth and cavities.

What to do: Once these spots appear, there is no cure. However, you can stop more spots from developing by abstaining from alcohol and foods high in sugar.

If cutting back on sugar is out of the question for you, topical fluoride may still be able to help prevent cavities by strengthening your enamel's resistance to microbial acids. You have many alternatives for applying topical fluoride at home, including toothpaste, mouth rinses, and gels.

2. Poor dental hygiene

Poor oral hygiene and habits, which contribute to a buildup of bacterial plaque in the mouth, are one of the main causes of the white patches on teeth. When plaque accumulates on your teeth, it weakens them and causes decalcification, which is a loss of calcium and other minerals. The acid production weakens the enamel, which creates cavities. Your risk of decalcification rises if you don't practise good dental hygiene (brushing twice daily and flossing once daily).

What to do: Decalcification shouldn't be ignored because it can signal the onset of more serious issues, including cavities and tooth decay. Visit your dentist instantly if you've spotted any white spots on teeth that are hurting you or that you're concerned will become worse. Veneers, teeth whitening, composite bonding, and remineralization are cosmetic treatments for tooth decalcification.

3. Wearing braces

Anybody can get decalcification, but it is particularly prevalent in people who have had braces since the brackets serve as a haven for bacteria that can lead to erosion if a patient's oral hygiene isn't up to par. White patches on teeth form where plaque accumulates: close to brackets, at the gum line, or between teeth where it's more difficult to clean.

What to do: Rather than braces, clear teeth aligners may be a better choice for preventing white spots on teeth. Even though these spots won't disappear once your braces are taken off, there are cosmetic procedures you can undertake to decrease their visibility. Any colour differences can be evened out with professional tooth whitening.

4. Had fluorosis as a kid

Fluorosis affects children under the age of eight who are exposed to high fluoride concentrations during the development of their teeth. This causes more porous teeth that can develop white patches. Fluorosis is often brought on by ingesting excessive amounts of fluoride at a young age from many sources, such as fluoridated water, fluoridated toothpaste, and dietary prescription supplements. These spots are frequently opaque and lighter than the rest of the tooth, making them simple to see.

What to do: There is no need for therapy for minor fluorosis, but you can find numerous treatments that can be used to make the afflicted teeth seem better.

White spot-on teeth treatments for fluorosis include:

  • Using tooth whitening to get rid of potential stains or spots

  • Putting a strong resin covering that adheres to your enamel on the tooth (known as bonding)

  • Placing veneers and crowns

You can connect with makeO toothsi to get the treatment for white spots on teeth. We offer the most comfortable services at your convenience!

About makeO

makeO is the first of its kind at-home oral and skin care services in India, that is focussed on providing technology and science-backed solutions to its customers.

makeO will offer expert-backed oral and skin care solutions such as teeth alignment with clear aligners, laser hair removal, hydrafacial, acne treatment services, anti-ageing treatments, and premium products, including electric toothbrush, teeth whitening kit, aligner cleaning foam, face wash, toner, etc. – all of which are available directly at customers’ doorstep as well as at makeO experience centres and partner clinics.

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