
How to Moisturise Your Face Naturally the Correct Way

how to moisturise the skin naturally

While we all know how crucial it is to cleanse our face every day and wear sunscreen, many of us tend to skip out on moisturising our face or don’t know the right way to do it.

Moisturising our face happens to be one of the most essential steps of any skincare routine and hence you need to do it the right way. A moisturising cream for the face helps to hydrate and replenish your skin and get rid of dryness.

Are you a skincare novice and are sceptical about whether you are moisturising your face correctly? Fret not, as always, we are here with the ultimate guide that will make you a pro at moisturising your face.

What Is the Right Way to Moisturise Your Face?

We all know that a moisturiser should always be applied to clean skin. But did you know that you can increase your moisturiser’s effectiveness by applying it on damp skin? By applying your moisturiser on your damp face, you give it a chance for it to soak in nicely into your skin and lock into your skin.

Another expert-approved skincare tip is to gently exfoliate your skin before you moisturise it. You can get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliation and this in turn will clear your skin pores and allow your moisturising cream for the face to penetrate deeply into your skin.

How to Moisturise Overnight?

There are several benefits of moisturising your skin overnight. When you are looking for a nighttime face moisturiser or serum, we recommend you look for one that is rich in antioxidants, peptides, and other skincare ingredients.

Feel like your skin has become extra dry? You can consider indulging in an overnight face mask that will help you wake up with smooth and baby-soft skin.

How to Moisturise Your Face Naturally?

Wondering how to moisturise your skin naturally? One of the best natural remedies to moisturise your face is aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is known to soothe skin inflammation and hydrate your skin.

You can also consider using milk to improve your skin’s hydration. Milk is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties which will help to soothe redness and make your face glow naturally.

What Is the Right Time to Moisturise?

Dermatologists recommend people to moisturise their face at least twice a day, morning and night. It is important that you cleanse your face first before you moisturise. A pro tip is to moisturise on damp skin as it will help to seal moisture into your skin.

How to Look for the Right Ingredient?

You can consider investing in a moisturiser that doubles up as sun protection with at least SPF 30. It is also recommended that you buy non-comedogenic skincare products which won’t clog your skin pores.

Some other beneficial ingredients that you must look out for in your moisturiser are hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and mineral oil.

The Takeaway

Choose skincare products that are formulated for your skin type. If you aren’t sure about your skin type, consult your dermatologist, and learn more about what works for your skin. Remember ‘ Less is more’ when you are indulging in your skincare routine.

Want to upgrade your skincare routine? Now, shop for premium quality face serums, sheets masks and other exciting skincare products at makeO skin (formely skinnsi).

Want to go the extra mile, and pamper your skin? Book yourself our dermafacial, hydra polishing, acne treatment and other at-home skincare treatments, and get the skin you have always dreamed of.


What to remember when you are doing your skincare routine?

You must never lather your face with more than three products at one go and allow your skin to breathe.

How to moisturise your face naturally?

In addition to applying quality face creams and serums, one of the best ways to naturally make your face look rejuvenated and replenished is to make sure that you get a good night’s sleep.

How to moisturise your face?

The right way to moisturise your face is to take a dollop of your moisturiser and massage it into your face in a circular motion. Make sure that you apply it to your neck and décolletage too.

What to do before you try out a new moisturiser?

It is crucial that you always do a patch test on your inner arm and apply any new skincare product there first. After this, wait a day or two to see if the product is suitable for your skin before you go ahead and apply it to your face.

Should you apply your moisturiser to damp skin?

Yes, it is recommended that you apply your moisturiser to clean and slightly damp skin as damp skin absorbs your products more readily and seals in moisture.

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