
Epilator vs Waxing for Hair Removal? Which one Should You Choose

Waxing vs epilator | makeO skinnsi

Various hair removal methods are available in the market that can be used to remove hair from different parts of the body. Out of all these methods, using an epilator and waxing are the few ones that remove hair completely from the root. Although epilating and waxing both remove body hair from the root, there are certain differences between these methods. Knowing the difference between epilator and waxing will help you to choose the right method as per your needs.

Epilator vs Waxing

The choice between epilator vs waxing can be settled by knowing the exact differences between these two methods. But first, let us understand what these methods are and how they carry out the hair removal process.

a. What is an Epilator?

An epilator is an electrical device that fits right into your palm and is used to remove hair from the roots. The epilator will pluck the hair follicle from the roots as you glide it in the direction of the hair growth. It consists of a rotating wheel which is fitted with tiny tweezers that remove even the smallest of hair follicles from the root. Imagine a pair of mechanical tweezers in your hand that can pluck the hair, just in case of an epilator, you get mechanical tweezers that work continuously without any manual labour.

b. What is Waxing?

Waxing is a manual way of hair removal where you have to use soft or hard wax on the surface of the skin. The soft or hard wax is applied on your skin in the direction of hair growth, and then a fibre or paper strip is used to remove the hair by pulling the strip. Hair follicles will be removed from the roots as they stick to the wax and get pulled through the strips used.

Body Parts on which you can use an Epilator vs Waxing

An epilator can be used to effectively remove body hair from larger areas such as legs and arms. Waxing can also be used to remove hair from legs and arms, but it can require more time as you have to apply wax and put the strip every time. Waxing is more effective to remove hair from sensitive areas such as the face, underarms, and bikini lines.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using an Epilator

a. Advantages:

  • An epilator will remove the shortest of body hair, up to 1/8th of an inch which waxing cannot remove.
  • An epilator is a compact device which can be carried along with you and used conveniently anytime.
  • You can carry out an easy DIY hair removal job with the use of an epilator.

b. Disadvantages:

  • An epilator can leave the treated skin sensitive to touch where it can cause mild pain or discomfort.
  • An epilator can also leave the skin vulnerable to redness, irritation, or bumps.
  • There is also a risk of ingrown hair with the use of an epilator for hair removal.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Waxing

a. Advantages:

  • Waxing allows you to precisely remove hair from the selected areas
  • Waxing can be done safely on sensitive parts of your body such as underarms, pubic areas, and bikini lines.
  • The process of waxing also exfoliates the skin as the wax removes dead skin cells along with the hair follicles.

b. Disadvantages:

  • There is a risk of ingrown hair with waxing.
  • Manual labour is involved as you have to first apply the wax and then use the strip to remove hair.
  • Some of the side effects of waxing involve rashes, skin burns, bumps, etc.

So, which one should you choose?

Both hair removal methods are equally effective to remove hair from the root to provide well-groomed skin. The choice between epilator vs waxing will depend upon your hair removal needs and which method seems more comfortable to you.

Other Hair Removal Methods

Some of the other hair removal methods include procedures such as laser hair treatment, electrolysis, hair removal creams, and much more. Out of all these methods, laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods to permanently remove hair. It is an almost painless procedure and can be carried out from the comfort of your home. To know more about this painless hair removal alternative, visit makeO skin (formely skinnsi) today!


Is it better to epilate or wax?

An epilator is useful to remove body hair with a shorter length between 1/4th to 1/8th of an inch which waxing may not be able to remove. On the other hand, waxing is good to exfoliate and nourish your skin along with the removal of body hair between 1/2nd to 1/4th of an inch.

What are the disadvantages of an epilator?

Following are some of the disadvantages of an epilator:

  • An epilator can leave the treated skin sensitive to touch where it can cause mild pain or discomfort.
  • An epilator can also leave the skin vulnerable to redness, irritation, or bumps.
  • There is also a risk of ingrown hair with the use of an epilator for hair removal.

Is it better to epilate or wax underarms?

Both methods are equally considerable for removing hair from your underarms. However, an epilator will help to quickly remove hair from your underarms while targeting hair which is 1/8th of an inch.

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