
Teeth Overcrowding Not Letting You Flaunt Your Smile? Here’s All About Fixing It


Teeth overcrowding is a very common orthodontic issue faced by people. It may also make you underconfident and socially anxious and when you smile. Moreover, it also leads to various problems such as plaque formation, gum problems, etc. You may also feel conscious in front of your date or probably when you smile in front of your friends.

Traditional braces making you indecisive about whether to go ahead with the treatment? Thinking about how to fix overcrowded teeth in a chic yet easier and comfortable way? This article has got all your answers, and yes, there is an alternate way to traditional braces. Let’s see how you can fix teeth overcrowding and flaunt that amazing smile with transparent aligners.


What are Transparent Aligners?

Transparent aligners are custom-made clear plastic trays with smooth texture used for various orthodontic issues such as fixing overcrowded bottom teeth, misaligned teeth, etc. Unlike traditional metal braces, they provide comfort, safe treatment, and a chic and aesthetic look. Moreover, they treat the misaligned teeth issues faster as compared to traditional metal braces.

How do Transparent Aligners Fix Teeth Overcrowding and Transform Your Smile?

Transparent aligners work in a very systematic and exemplary way. Unlike traditional metal braces that force your teeth into moving in their desired way, transparent aligners push your teeth in their desired position in a very gentle way so that your overcrowded teeth get aligned. With every new set of transparent aligners, your teeth get more and more shifted towards the desired position, thus creating more space in the jaw. Still contemplating whether to go with transparent aligners or traditional braces for teeth overcrowding? Let us help you choose. Advantages of Choosing Transparent Aligners for Fixing Teeth Overcrowding

Transparent aligners have various advantages over traditional metal braces. Read through the article to know how!

1. Hardly Visible to the Naked Eye

As compared to conventional metal braces, which are very well visible to the naked eye, transparent aligners are hardly visible.. Thus, one will not have to think twice before fixing teeth overcrowding. Moreover, one will not be self-conscious or uncomfortable before smiling.

2. Ease in Maintaining Oral Health

As transparent braces are completely removable, brushing and flossing your teeth becomes much easier than traditional metal braces.

3. Comfort at its Best

With choosing transparent aligners for fixing teeth overcrowding, one does not have to worry about comfort. Unlike metal braces which have uncomfortable wires and brackets, transparent aligners have a smooth plastic texture that leaves a person at ease with no discomfort.

4. Fixes Teeth Overcrowding Much Faster

As compared to traditional metal braces, transparent aligners fix teeth overcrowding much faster. Moreover, transparent aligners require less maintenance as compared to traditional metal braces.

5. Enjoy Your Favourite Food

Unlike traditional metal braces, which restrict you from eating sticky, chewy and hard food items as it may damage the metal braces, with transparent aligners, there are no such restrictions. As a result, you don't have to worry about what you can eat and what you cannot. So, you can now eat your favourite and mouth-watering food without any tension.

6. Choose A Brand that Provides Genuine Results

Now that we have told you why fixing teeth overcrowding is, of course, imperative when it comes to flaunting your celeb like smile. With this,you should take a further step and fix it today with toothsi! Our experts at toothsi will transform your smile and help you create your dream smile. With toothsi, you can be worry-free about getting your overcrowded teeth fixed. Our orthodontists and professionals are highly experienced and are just a video consultation away! So, book your online video consultation with us and get started with fixing your overcrowded teeth today!

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