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From Sugar wax to Cold wax: Know about Types of Waxing

Types of Wax

We all have meetings to attend, places to visit and people to meet every week. And we all want to look our best while doing it, especially when it comes to our skin. Who doesn't love healthy, smooth and soft skin forever? What gets in the way is unwanted body hair. Waxing is a popular solution to this problem, and the key to hairless, well-groomed and stunning skin.

About Waxing

Most Indian women prefer to wax during their regular visits to the salon because of the finishing waxing provides. Unlike shaving or using an electronic razor which does not give a smooth finish often, waxing not only lifts off dead skin, and reduces tanning but also softens the skin. But there’s more to waxing than you might think!

Types of Waxing

Today there are several types of waxes and techniques used to remove unwanted body hair. If you are interested in finding the right wax for you, here are the 4 main wax types for you to know:

1. Hot Wax

The classic way of waxing is hot waxing. It is commonly used all around the world. In this, wax is heated and applied onto the body. Then using wax strips, the wax is taken off along with the unwanted hair! In this type of waxing, the heat helps open up the pores on your skin which helps boost hair removal.

The best way to apply hot wax is against the hair growth so that pulling it out will be less painful. Hot wax is generally preferred for a bikini wax procedure and for sensitive skin types too.

2. Cold Wax

While hot waxing requires many items and a lot of hard work, cold waxing is simple and easy to use. Strips of cold wax are readily available today for at-home use. All you need to do is press this strip over your skin, rub it till all the body hair is stuck to the wax and pull!

Cold wax is easy to do and does not create a mess, however, it fails to be as effective as hot wax. This means that you might have to use a wax strip 2-3 times to get hair-free skin. This repetitive usage could lead to rashes, bumps and ingrown hair.

3. Hard Wax

Hard wax is a stripless form of waxing. In this method, a warm and thick layer is applied. Once applied, the wax hardens enough to act like a strip. Then, you must simply pull it off and you will have smooth and hair-free skin. Hard wax is perfect for finer and small her on the body. It is also easy to use and does not require many items. Hard wax is perfect for all skin types, especially sensitive skin which is why it is widely used on the face as well!

However, if you are facing serious skin issues or have highly sensitive skin, then using hard wax is not ideal as it can cause infection.

4. Sugaring Wax

A natural wax made from sugar, water and lemon juice, sugar wax is suitable for every skin type and well-loved due to its all-natural ingredients. When these ingredients are heated up, they form a thick sticky substance which acts as a sugar wax which can take out the hair on your body naturally. But, sugaring wax does not work on finer hair and you might have to use it a couple of times at the same spot to get the best results.

Now that you know the different types of waxing methods that are popular today, you must understand that they also have their disadvantages. Waxing can cause redness, sensitivity, ingrown hair, irritation, rashes, infection and pain if not done carefully. Waxing is also a temporary form of hair removal that lasts for a few weeks at best.

If you are looking for a permanent hair removal solution, then make sure to explore makeO skin (formely skinnsi). Not only does the makeO skin (formely skinnsi) laser hair reduction use the latest ice-cool technology to give you a safe and painless hair removal. You can easily do this procedure from the comfort of your own home and even avail affordable EMI plans starting at Rs.2,300/ month.


What are the 3 types of wax?

There are many types of wax available today like hard wax, cold wax and soft wax. Some other types include fruit wax, sugar wax, chocolate wax etc.

Which waxing method is painless?

Hard wax and strip waxes are relatively less painful as they require minimal heat and are more skin-friendly. They don’t cause as much irritation as other waxing methods do.

Which wax is used for private parts?

Generally, hot wax is used for private parts as the heat opens up the pores and gives a great finish. This wax is known to be suitable for sensitive skin and regions.

Which waxing is good for beginners?

For beginners trying to wax at home, cold wax strips are perfect. Since they require no heat or any other apparatus, they can be done by first-time users easily.

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