
Prep your Skin with These Useful Tips for Holi Before Celebrating the Festival of Colours

how to protect skin from holi colours

Holi 2023 is right around the corner and like every year you may have the question of how to protect your skin from Holi colours. While playing Holi, your skin is exposed to the combination of many factors such as different colours, excess amount of water, and excruciating heat. This combination can have adverse effects on your skin if you don’t take the right precautions before playing Holi.

What Can Holi Colours Do to Your Skin?

It is essential to know and follow the right Holi skin care tips before you start playing with colours to safeguard your skin from adverse effects. Your face can be the most affected part during Holi as the combination of water and external heat can cause dryness and dehydration. Industrial chemicals used in colours can cause breakouts, rashes, irritation, dryness, and much more on your skin, especially on your face. People with sensitive skin or acne should take extra precautions to safeguard their skin during this upcoming festive time. Your hair can also be affected due to water and heat leading to split ends, dry scalp, and frizzy hair after playing Holi.

Pre-Holi Skin Care Tips to Follow

Follow the right pre-Holi skin care tips to ensure that your skin and hair remain intact and in good condition while you enjoy the festival of colours. These tips will help you to protect your skin and hair through all the excruciating external conditions.

Wearing the Right Type of Clothes

Prevention is better than cure and so is true when choosing the right outfit to avoid harsh colours on your skin in the first place. Wear an outfit that covers most areas of your skin such as a high-neck top or a long-sleeved t-shirt along with full pants. You can avoid most of the hassle of cleaning by properly covering most areas of your skin so that the colours don’t stick to it.

Right Skin Care Products

Keep your skincare routine simple and easy before playing Holi as the right products can protect your skin thoroughly. Believe it or not, using skin care products such as an exfoliator, chemical peel, serum, or any acid-based product before Holi can make your skin more vulnerable to damage. Use a simple combination of first applying toner and then a quality moisturiser such as the happy hydrate ceramide face moisturiser from makeO skin (formely skinnsi).

Oil Layering for Skin

Layer your skin with the right type of oil to protect it from the harsh chemical composition of colours. While playing Holi, your skin can get dry and the pores on your skin can absorb the harmful chemical present in colours. You can apply a thick layer of mustard or coconut oil to your skin, so the colours don’t stick to it, and they come off easily while cleaning.

Heat Protection with Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the last layer of protection that you need before you start splashing water and colours for the upcoming Holi festival. Make sure that the sunscreen you use is SPF 30 or higher which will protect your skin from the sun for 3-4 hours. It is recommended to use a gel-based and water-resistant sunscreen such as the sun smart ultra-matte cream gel sunscreen from makeO skin (formely skinnsi) to prevent your skin from being sticky.

Protect Your Nails and Lips

Avoid colour staining on your nails by applying a dark colour nail polish as it will help to clean the Holi colours effectively without any stains. Protect your lips by applying a lip balm to keep them nourished and hydrated. It is also important that your skin stays hydrated during Holi, so it doesn’t dry up and let the colours seep into your pores. Drink lots of water and avoid alcohol if possible as it can dry up the skin. By following the right skin care tips before Holi, you can enjoy the festival of colours while keeping your skin in the best shape. Protect your skin this Holi 2023 with the range of makeO skin (formely skinnsi) skincare products so you can celebrate the festivals of colours while being carefree. The range of makeO skin (formely skinnsi) products can protect your skin from all types of environmental factors and keep it healthy and nourished.

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