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You’ve been trying to live with it all this time, but let’s be honest, nobody likes to visit parlors and salons before those big days or important occasions to get rid of unwanted body hair. Not to forget the endless waiting time (especially when you’re running late), questionable hygiene, unbearable pain, the possibility of skin reactions, and the much-dreaded ingrowths!
Turns out that there is an easier, and far more comfortable way to say goodbye to unwanted body hair for good - Laser Hair Removal. “But is it safe?”, would understandably be your first question.
To answer that, let’s understand how Laser Hair Removal works. And don’t worry. We won’t bombard you with a bunch of jargon. Truth be told, we hate it as much as you do!
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Simply put, when exposed to the laser, the melanin inside your hair follicle absorbs its light, which in turn heats up the hair follicle. The laser then destroys the roots.
Rest assured that the surrounding skin will be safe from any damage. Plus unlike waxing, there are no ingrowths after a Laser Hair Removal session.
Say Hello To Laser Hair Reduction (LHR) by skinnsi
Curated & supervised entirely by dermats with over 9 years of experience, our laser hair reduction (LHR) treatment uses the world-class quadruple wavelength (755nm, 810nm, 940nm and 1,064nm) laser that helps reduce hair of all types, be it fine, medium, or thick.
More importantly, the laser only targets hair follicles without affecting the surrounding skin, so rest assured that it’s totally safe for all skin complexions & types.
To up the comfort quotient, we’ve got the ice-cool technology! Simply put, it makes sure that your skin does not get heated during the treatment, making it oh, so comfortable!
Also, we sanitize all our equipment before each session, so you can rest assured that unlike waxing, each one of our Laser Hair Removal sessions is safe and maintains the same level of impeccable hygiene.
Now here comes the best part. All our sessions are done in the comfort of your own home! Yes, you read that right. So no more killing time in the salon waiting area by mindlessly flipping through magazines. Just book an appointment on our website, and we’ll see you at your place, as per your convenience.
All of that sounds great, but we understand that the next thing on your mind would be the areas of your body where you can get the LHR treatment done.
So without further ado, say hello to our LHR packages:
Our LHR Packages
Some may have a particular area in mind, while others may want to get hair removal done in multiple areas. Whatever be your preference, we’ve got you covered for it!
Full Body:
If you want the complete skinnsi LHR experience, this one’s for you! Like the name suggests, this package reduces unwanted hair on the face, underarms, chest, arms, back, trunk and legs, giving you that celebrity-like smooothest skin you’ve always wanted!
Specific Area:
Do you have a particular area in mind? That’s great! Because our Specific Area package lets you choose between facial Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal for underarms, arms, chest, back, trunk, legs, and bikini Laser Hair Removal.
Also, while anyone over the age of 14 can go for our LHR treatment, there are a few things you should keep in mind before booking an appointment.
When Can You Go Ahead With Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Like we mentioned earlier, if you’re over the age of 14 and want to get the smooothest skin you’ve always desired, go ahead and book yourself an LHR appointment! Also, rest assured that it’s safe for all skin complexions and types.
When Should You Not Go For Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
- If you’re looking to get it done on or around your eyebrows. Due to their proximity to the eyes, we do not perform LHR in this region
- If you have strawberry skin, or in case your desired area for LHR has cuts, wounds, tattoos, or birthmarks
- If you’re pregnant. And in case you’re breastfeeding, you shouldn’t go for LHR until 6 months
- If you’ve got a pacemaker or a metal placed inside your body, you shouldn’t go for LHR
- If you wish to get rid of white or gray hair
The Final Word
You stumbled upon this article hoping to get the answer to an all-time favorite question, but got to know so much more along the way!
Like understanding how it works without having to decipher jargon, getting to know the areas of your body where you can get it done, and last but not least, realizing who should & should not go ahead with LHR.
So now the only question that remains is, why stick to the innumerable painful waxing sessions at the parlor, when you know that our at-home Laser Hair Removal is totally safe for you!
Besides, you’ll barely have to do anything to get the smooothest skin with LHR.
Step 1: Just head to our website, and book an appointment by sharing some of your details with us. That’s it! There’s no step two. It’s probably even faster than your usual ETA from home to the parlor!
In case you’re still not confident about LHR, don’t worry. Because we’ve got you covered with a free trial. It will help you get a glimpse of what the process & the result a.k.a. the smooothest skin looks like.
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