
Busting Myths About The Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal


When it comes to Laser Hair Removal, there’s a fair bit of misconception about it, leading to a lot of people believing in myths when it comes to the short-term and long-term side effects of laser hair removal.

Before we dive deeper and start busting these myths regarding the side effects of laser hair removal, let us understand what this process is all about.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Simply put, laser hair removal or laser hair reduction is a long-term solution for those who wish to get rid of unwanted body hair, bring an end to those countless trips to the salon, and flaunt their smooothest skin!

“That sounds fascinating, but how does it do that?” If that’s you right now, don’t worry.

Allow us to tell you exactly how our Laser Hair Removal procedure does what it does best, i.e. getting rid of your unwanted body hair and giving you the smooth skin you’ve always wanted.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Let’s start from the roots, shall we? Because that’s exactly what happens during a laser hair removal session. Confused? Let us simplify it for you.

When exposed to the laser, the melanin in your hair follicle absorbs its light, which in turn heats up the hair follicle. The laser then destroys the roots.

As with most hair reduction solutions, Laser Hair Removal may have a few side effects. Don’t worry, though, because our dermatologists will help you deal with these side effects with ease.

So now that you know what it is and how it works, let us understand the common myths and the actual facts regarding the side effects of laser hair removal on your face & body.

Myths vs Facts About The Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal

Myth 1: A major side effect of Laser Hair Removal is cancer

Fact: Our lasers do not emit any radiation, are FDA approved and are therefore totally safe for your skin. Moreover, our machines are operated by highly trained skinnsi pros and are supervised virtually by our expert dermatologists. So rest assured, cancer isn’t a side effect of Laser Hair Removal.

Myth 2: Laser Hair Removal will make your skin darker

Fact: As mentioned earlier, Laser Hair Removal only targets the melanin present inside your hair follicles, and not your skin. So don’t believe anyone who says that darker skin is a side effect of Laser Hair Removal on your face & body.

Myth 3: Laser Hair Removal can cause damage to my surrounding skin

Fact: Relax! Our laser is totally safe not just for your skin, but all skin colours and types, thanks to the ice-cool technology that protects your surrounding skin from any damage.

Plus, unlike waxing or threading, you won’t get to experience the dreaded ingrowths! Yes, we all remember those pesky and painful bumps that pop up after a waxing session, don’t we?

Myth 3: Laser Hair Removal will cause your hair to grow more densely and frequently

Fact: This is not true at all. With every session of Laser Hair Removal, you will observe a visible reduction in the thickness, density, and growth rate of your hair. Also, the hair that will grow back will be thinner, lighter and almost invisible to the naked eye.

There you have it. Some of the most common myths regarding the side effects of Laser Hair Removal, now busted! But what about the minor side effects you may actually face during your treatment duration. Let us tell you all about it.

What Are The Possible Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal?

1. Redness of the skin: It is a fairly common side effect and does not require attention. Rest assured that it will subside in a few hours.

2. Itching: Your skin may feel itchy for 2-3 days after a session, but do not worry. Because you can easily manage this side effect by applying calamine or moisturiser frequently. In case it’s causing you a lot of discomfort, you can simply get in touch with our dermatologist via your therapist or counsellor

3. Boils: You may experience this side effect if the thickness of your hair is high. But regardless, this is not a concerning side effect and should subside on its own within 3-5 days

4. Acne: If you’ve got acne-prone skin, you may experience flare-ups of acne or pimples, especially on your face and back. Thorough cooling after sessions can help avoid this though. But in case you’re still experiencing it, our dermatologists will prescribe you anti-acne medication for the same

Now that you know everything there is to know about the possible side effects of laser hair removal, what’s stopping you from getting it done and experiencing the smooothest skin you’ve always wanted!

Laser Hair Removal packages at skinnsi are not just great for your skin, but easy on your pocket too, thanks to their EMI options.

And in case you’re not completely sure about booking it just yet, you can go for a trial and get a glimpse of what the smooothest skin feels like with skinnsi.

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