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Benefits of Washing Your Face with Cold Water: How Many Times Should You Wash Your Face?

Hormonal Acne

Whether you are committed to following an elaborate 15-step skincare routine or not, washing your face is probably already a part of your skincare routine. Most of us wash our face at least once a day, or only when it feels excessively dirty, but have you paused and thought about whether you are doing it right?

Have you ever thought about details like how many times should you wash your face? Or what should be the ideal temperature of the water? Let us see what the experts at makeO skin (formely skinnsi) have to say about it.

makeO skin (formely skinnsi) is a lifecare brand that uses futuristic and innovative technology to make people’s lives better. We have a team of industry experts who have gained expertise in their area of work. In this blog, we shall talk about the right way to wash your face and how it can affect your skin.

Should You Use Cold or Hot Water to Wash Your Face?

If you are thinking, does water temperature really matter?, the answer is YES. The effects of hot, lukewarm and cold water on your face are very different. You can simply try this out yourself and notice the difference instantly. Here is a comparison between the two:


  • Helps you wake up instantly and increases awareness
  • Gives an extra dose of energy
  • Hydrates the skin
  • Tightens the skin
  • Improves blood circulation


  • Can strip the skin of its natural oils
  • Relieves cold and nasal congestion
  • Cleanses the skin
  • Removes toxins and oils from the skin
  • Relieves cold and nasal congestion

Benefits of Washing Your Face With Cold Water

Cold water face wash helps with more than just cleansing your face.

There are actually a lot of benefits to washing your face with cold water, some of which are listed below:

  • Reduces puffiness and makes you look refreshed and awake
  • Reduces redness
  • Soothes the skin
  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces inflammation and makes the skin look brighter

That being said, there is a flip side to washing your face with cold water too.

Drawbacks to Using Cold Water

While there are a lot of benefits of washing your face with cold water, there are a few disadvantages too. Here we have explained a few.

It is important to consider that oil does not mix with cold water so simply rinsing your face with cold water may not entirely cleanse your face. If you use ice, there are certain benefits of ice water on the face. But cold water tightens the skin which traps the grime, bacteria and oil in the skin instead of flushing it out. If you are sensitive to cold temperatures, then washing your face with lukewarm water may be the best option for you.

How Often Should You Wash Your Face in a Day?

It is advisable to wash your face at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed. It is ideal to use a face wash that is mild and gentle on the skin, removes impurities, deep cleans the pores, removes makeup and leaves your face refreshed and hydrated.

Face Washing Tips to Keep in Mind

Use lukewarm water:

It is the ideal temperature for your body. Washing your face with lukewarm water will cleanse your face by getting rid of all the excess dirt and oil while keeping the natural oils of the skin intact. Needless to mention, it is highly relaxing and feels amazing.

Stay away from piping hot water:

As relaxing as it might feel to splash your face with hot water right before going to bed, it might not be ideal for your skin. Washing your face with hot water can rip your skin off its natural oils making it dry.

Find a gentle cleanser:

Make sure your research and find a gentle and toxin-free face wash that is suitable for your skin type.


There are benefits of washing the face with cold water, but there are a few drawbacks too. What works best for your skin can only be figured out with experimentation. If you wish to take advantage of cold water face wash, then you can wash your face with lukewarm water first and then rinse it with cold water. If you are still unsure, it is best to visit your dermatologist and trust the professionals.


Does water temperature make a difference while washing the face?

Yes. Washing your face with lukewarm water gets rid of all the impurities and excess oil effectively while cold water tightens, refreshes and brightens the skin.

Which is better? Washing your face with cold or hot water?

Cold water is best to wash your face with. Hot water can strip your skin of it its natural oils making it dry. Cold water hydrates the skin and improves blood circulation.

Can you wash your face with cold water every day?

Yes. Washing your face with ice water is good but not ideal for the skin. It is best suited for a morning skincare routine.

Can cold water make you look brighter?

Ice water face wash benefits your skin by improving blood circulation and making your face look supple and plump. It provides better protection from free radicals such as pollution and gives you a healthier glow.

Does cold water make you look younger?

Splashing your face with cold water significantly tightens the skin and gets the blood flowing. It improves the overall appearance of the skin making you look younger.

blog / skin care / Benefits of Washing Your Face with Cold Water: How Many Times Should You Wash Your Face?

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