
Inno Peel Aftercare: Must-know Tips to Enhance the Results

inno exfo lightening peel

While pigmentation is normal and the body’s natural reaction to the sun, none of us would want to carry those sun spots on our faces permanently. Thankfully, there are several non-invasive and efficient ways to get rid of hyperpigmentation and sun spots. One such method is Inno Peel, which we have talked frequently about on the makeO skin(formely skinnsi) blog page. Our aim at makeO skin(formely skinnsi) is not only to revolutionise your skincare regimen but also to equip you with the knowledge on all the possible ways of improving your skin quality. In this blog, we will shed light on how to make the most of this treatment, Inno Peel Before and After and how to make its results last longer and maintain glowing skin.

How To Make Your Inno Peel Result Last Longer

1. It is important to be gentle with your skin

Right after the treatment your skin will be vulnerable and will need some extra care and attention. Be gentle while cleansing and applying other skincare products to refrain from aggravating skin irritation. Use a light touch to apply the skincare products post-treatment and make sure to follow all the instructions provided by your skincare specialist without fail.

2. Nourish your skin when it is wet

Your skin will be the softest and more open to absorbing the goodness of skincare products when it is wet. So try to use your moisturiser and serum when you come out of the shower and your skin is still wet. This way you can lock in the moisture for a long time.

3. Never skip sunblock

Your skin would be vulnerable right after the treatment and needs more protection from harmful UV rays than ever. Even if it is a cloudy day, make sure to wear sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 and reapply it every two hours for the best results.

4. Spend time indoors if possible

Your skin might feel a little inflamed after the Inno exfo lightening peel so try to avoid exposure to heat, pollution and direct sunlight. Try to stay indoors as much as you can to keep your skin protected.

5. Stay away from harsh products

Provide as much comfort to your skin as possible in the form of soothing ingredients. You can use a cold water-based gel mask once a day for an extra soothing effect.

6. Don’t peel or pick at your skin

Picking, peeling or scrubbing the area might lead to scarring or prolonged healing.

7. Simplify your skincare routine

The best way to promote your skin’s healing is to provide it with the nourishment it needs in the form of simple skincare products without overdoing it. Use mild, chemical and toxin-free products on your face after the Inno exfo lightening peel treatment. Learn more about what exact products to use in your skincare routine after the treatment in the section below.

8. Do not over exfoliate

You might experience some peeling skin right after the treatment and that is completely normal. But refrain from using an external exfoliating scrub after the treatment as that might irritate the skin. Allow your skin to calm and heal with time.

9. Stay Hydrated

Make sure to drink enough water to support your skin’s natural healing process.

10. Show up for your follow-up and follow the instructions

Schedule a follow-up with your skincare professional after your Inno Peel treatment. This is where they will assess the after-effects of the treatment on your skin and provide any post-care instructions if necessary.

Skincare Routine Post Inno Peel Treatment

As promised, here is a quick, simple and effective skincare routine that you can follow every day after your treatment. This routine has everything to ensure that you are allowing your skin to heal and breathe while providing it with all the nourishment it needs.

1. Cleanse

Use a gentle cleanser on your face to avoid stripping your skin of essential moisture.

2. Hydrate

Use a natural, toxin-free, light moisturiser to calm and nourish your skin from the peel.

3. Sun protection

Protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun is non-negotiable after an Inno Peel treatment. Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to shield your skin.

4. Turn to Vitamin C serums

You can opt for Vitamin C serums that readily absorb into the skin and show effects in no time. The free radical production is high in your skin after a chemical peel. This can stimulate melanin activity and cause pigmentation. Using a vitamin C serum will calm the melanin cells and keep your skin healthy.

5. Use a mist

A mist usually comes in a spray bottle that you can directly apply on your skin without touching the product. It evenly disperses the product on your skin and ensures easy penetration. Using an alcohol-free mist will minimise rubbing and touching on your face, while still providing a boost of hydration to your skin.

Explore Chemical Peel Treatment With makeO skin(formely skinnsi)

What if we told you that you can reap all the benefits of a facial peel, from makeO skin(formely skinnsi)- India’s most-loved cosmetic beauty brand and that too from the comfort of your home? makeO skin(formely skinnsi) offers a chemical peel treatment that promotes faster healing of pimples, helps with oil control, reduces dullness and ensures fresh radiant skin. This is how it works: Your face will be cleansed thoroughly using a mild cleanser, a soothing cream will be applied all over your face and neck to prevent irritation, the chemical peel will be applied by our skinnsi professionals and they will finish off by using a hydrating mask on your face for nourishment. Wish to know how the chemical peel will be customised to your skin’s specific needs? Get in touch with our teams today!


Inno peels can do wonders for your skin, provided you choose to work with an experienced skincare professional and follow all the Inno peel before and after care instructions. Follow this simple guide to ensure that your skin remains healthy after the procedure and you can make the most of your Inno exfo lightening peel treatments for results that far exceed your expectations.


How long should you wait to wash your face after Inno Peel?

Wait for 12-24 hours after the Inno peel treatment to wash your face. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser free of harsh chemicals.

What products are a strict No after an Inno Peel?

You should steer clear of products that include retinol and glycolic acids for 10 days post-peel.

Is it necessary for the skin to peel after an Inno Peel Treatment?

It is not necessary for the skin to peel after the Inno peel treatment. It depends on several factors like the type and concentration of the chemical, how much chemical is applied and for how long.

How long does the skin take to completely heal from an Inno Peel?

Your skin should typically heal within a week of performing an Inno peel treatment.

Should you use sunscreen after an Inno Peel?

Yes. Using a good sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is very essential to shield your vulnerable skin from UV rays after an Inno peel treatment.

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