what are braces?

A combination of brackets and archwires to... well, straighten your teeth!


how do braces work?

In simple terms, braces apply pressure to your teeth, slowly pushing or pulling them into a better position. As teeth move, the bone also changes its shape as pressure is applied. A wire, which is inserted into the brackets, applies the pressure, slowly moving your teeth into a predetermined location. Are you looking for perfect braces for the teeth?

types of braces

metal braces

metal braces

These are permanently adhered to your teeth and can only be taken off by the orthodontist at the end of treatment

clear braces

clear braces

Also known as transparent braces, these braces are either made of ceramic, porcelain or a clear plastic making them invisible to the people around you. Most people won’t even know you have braces on. These are permanently adhered to your teeth and can only be taken off by the orthodontist at the end of treatment.

ceramic braces

ceramic braces

Ceramic braces use a combination of wires and clear ceramic brackets to make the braces less noticeable in the mouth. Staining from food and drink is more of an issue with ceramic braces.

lingual braces

lingual braces

Lingual braces consist of very small metal brackets attached to a wire that are placed behind the teeth. They use constant, gentle pressure, which over time, moves teeth into their proper positions.

fact check: brace yourself!

It’s painful

One has to tighten the metal braces occasionally, which can be uncomfortable and painful for a few days every month.

Cuts inside mouth

Metal brackets can rub against the inside of your mouth, irritating the area and forming a sore or a cut.

yellow teeth

Consuming hard stained food items like turmeric, tomato paste, colored candies may stain your teeth and brackets

Food restrictions

Be mindful that braces are sensitive to damage, so one needs to avoid foods like caramel, soda, nuts, chips, chewing gum etc. basically all your favourite food items. Imagine missing out on a feast like that!

braces cost

The braces’ pricing varies greatly depending on treatment time, the complexity of treatment and type of braces or materials used. They could be the traditional metal braces (everyone knows these guys), clear ceramic braces or clear aligners: Invisible braces or clear aligners as we call them are the latest innovation in the smile makeover journey. And, we’ve been told that our aligners actually turn out much more affordable than the cost of treatment with metal braces!

say hello to invisible aligners!

Invisible aligners are an alternative to traditional braces and are designed to help guide teeth into their proper position. Clear aligners use a gradual force to control tooth movement. toothsi aligners are made of the best quality BPA free plastic sheets which are FDA approved. These aligners are 3D printed as per your teeth. Which means, your aligners are based on your assessments. Your teeth and our aligners are always a #PerfectMatch.

Unlike metal braces, aligners give you the freedom and many more reasons to smile. Really! It’ll be our best kept secret, no one will ever be able to see your aligners (unlike braces). They’re not painful. Period. And, they will never come between you and your favourite food, like ever.

braces vs aligners

While both can help straighten your teeth, metal braces happen to have their own set of cons:






not removable


food restrictions

no food restrictions

tough to maintain oral hygiene

easy to maintain oral hygiene

results can not be visualised

results can be visualised with the virtual smile plan


life with braces

buckle up for a not so very smooth ride!



One of the drawbacks of regular metal braces is their less-than-ideal appearance as each tooth has highly noticeable metal brackets. Many people become under-confident and try to avoid smiling as much as possible. Children may be teased because of their braces, and adults who must talk regularly for jobs may have their own set of problems. This is why it's vital to choose what type of braces (invisible braces or clear aligners) will be ideal for you or your child early on as it helps you to fix that smile. By choosing a toothsi aligner, you will limit the number of people who even know you have braces!

Food and drink restrictions

Another disadvantage of traditional braces is the restriction of a wide range of foods and beverages. It’s critical to refrain from eating or drinking anything that raises the risk of cavities or other damages.


Metal braces are significantly more painful than aligners. Majority of the people experience discomfort during the treatment. As one takes out aligners while having meals, one can eat a wider variety of food. When a bracket brushes on the inside of the mouth, it can irritate the skin and cause a sore. Metal braces must be tightened on a regular basis, which can be painful and leave your mouth sore for 2-4 days.That’s perhaps one of the top reasons why people stop their treatment mid-way. Not with toothsi aligners, no way Hozay! That’s another reason for you to smile already :)


Bad breath on a date can be such a turn off! We feel you. With metal braces, cleaning your teeth and maintaining oral hygiene can be tough. Few parts of your teeth are hidden. It's difficult to clean every nook or under every bracket. And you know what that means - poor oral hygiene which can be injurious to your health and social life. But worry not, toothsi is here to save your day. Yay!